A few weeks ago we made a data visualization to OTP, one of the largest independent financial services providers in Central and Eastern Europe. This was one of the best competition that we have taken part so far. We enjoyed every minute of the work, preparation, and presentation. Our colleagues worked hard day by day to make a really nice and informative visualization.
The dataset contained the transactions of the customers debit or credit cards focused on one international clothing retailer. The data was anonymized in order to protect the privacy. We visualized the transactions and the incomes of each shop.
We used many platforms to make a fine visualization such as JavaSript, Mapbox, WebGL and many more. You can try out the interactive map on the following link: http://otpdataviz.answerminer.com/ Because of the advanced technologies that we used it works well on desktop in Google Chrome browser.
We explored the data with AnswerMiner.