The confusion matrix is a table that helps to visualize and understand the performance of supervised algorithms where the target is to determine a logical value. In this article, we will demonstrate the confusion matrix on a prediction algorithm of a…
Primary data is when the data is gathered directly from the genuine source. Basically, every information you gather from first-hand experience is primary data. Data is th...
Histograms are column-shaped charts, in which each column represents a range of the values, and the height of a column corresponds to how many values are in that range.Hi...
The concept of Exploratory Data Analysis or EDA was created by James W. Tukey in 1977. Although it has many similarities with classical analysis, the approach, or more li...
Primary data is when the data is gathered directly from the genuine source. Basically, every information you gather from first-hand experience is primary data. Data is the cornerstone of all statistical research. But the origin of your data and the…
According to a study made by IBM in 2018, over 80% of all data is dark and unstructured and this will rise to 93% by 2020.However, don’t let the name fool you: there’s nothing dark about dark data. In fact, it may be the light at the end of a tunnel…
The term “average” can often mislead us and hide valuable and reliable information from our data. It is hard to decide which number we need to use. In everyday statistics and news or even in scientific research, the result is often presented as the…
Pie charts or circle charts are circle-shaped charts, that are divided into slices to depict numerical proportions. In a pie chart, the area of each slice is proportional to the represented quantity. After the bar chart visualization guide, we are…
Histograms are column-shaped charts, in which each column represents a range of the values, and the height of a column corresponds to how many values are in that range.Histograms are the most useful tools to say something about a bouquet of numeric…
During statistical observations, we get results we have to present decently. The method of the presentation depends on various factors such as the type of the observed data: discrete or continuous random variables.The level of measurement or scale of…
Ever since technology took a toll over all the major and minor spheres that constitute our personal and professional lives, data, and more precisely, big data has become the talk of the town. The most common perception of data that prevails in the…
Data filtering is the process of selecting a subsegment of your data or spreadsheet to focus on a specific group. The data filter is used to include or exclude specific values for data analysis or visualization.How a filter works in AnswerMiner?Data…
Box Plot is a tool in descriptive statistics that can help you to get a clearer picture of the distribution and the most important values or outliers in your dataset at the same time.This method was first introduced for a wider audience in 1969 by…
Even if you created the most accurately designed survey, you WILL find errors in the answers. To err is human— so to speak. But the process of data cleansing or data cleaning can help you to bring the best out of your collected data. So let’s find…
This week we are proudly announcing the latest feature of our exploratory data analysis platform that can be a must-use tool for visualizing multivariate ordinal or numeric data. It is a powerful graphic tool when you have to make a comparison…
The concept of Exploratory Data Analysis or EDA was created by James W. Tukey in 1977. Although it has many similarities with classical analysis, the approach, or more like the philosophy of data analysis is very different. Usually, the process of…
Smart Data View or SDV is a boosted table view of the connected data to our platform. Beyond a simple spreadsheet, it contains the most important information about the columns and values of your dataset.It shows not only the column name, data quality…
Charts and plots are graphic visualizations of your data with different symbols such as bars, lines, dots, or slices. There are many types of charts but the most common are bar charts, pie charts, histograms and the different plots like box plot…
The column summary or column metadata is a table that contains several statistical and non-statistical information about the variables of the dataset. This summary is about to give a wholesome picture of each column and helps to explore and…
You ran your survey campaign and got back the results. Now what? How do you get actionable insights out of the data? Surveys are essential to learning more about your current or potential customers or any group and audience. Surveys can also help you…
People always ask: “Is there any relation between the factors in my data?” If you look at the data, a table, or a spreadsheet it can be hard to see connections and say how strong they are. That is where the relation map comes in handy. All the…
We already know that a correlation shows the mutual relationship between two or more factors. Do not forget that correlation is not equal to causation. However, what is a correlation matrix? A correlation matrix is a table that shows the correlation…
This blog post was updated at April 27.You could already read Bence Buday’s other article in our blog about analyzing Facebook page with AnswerMiner. Now he made some research and spent some time to analyze and visualize coronavirus data (jan 2…
A decision tree is a tree-shaped diagram that shows statistical probability or determines a course of action. It shows the analysts and by that, the decision-makers which steps they have to take and how different choices could affect the whole…
We at AnswerMiner are proud when such a review about our products landing in the company mailbox. In the following blog post you can read about Bence Buday’s experiences with AnswerMiner and also how he made advantages from the information of his…
You can hear more and more about data mining. There’s a huge noise about it on both technical and business sides. But what is it exactly? How to use it to your advantage? And how to make sure you do it the right way? In this article, you are going to…
In the 21st century, there is nothing more powerful than data. Data can help you, boost the revenue of your company, changing your workout habits, or just being more efficient in your everyday life. Data is simply knowledge, this can get you the…
IntroductionData, we hear about it every single day. What is it? Data is a collection of facts that describe something. Today, we are surrounded by data. It’s big and complicated. According to Forbes, more data has been produced in the years 2016 and…
Google’s Latest Core Algo Update started June 4th 2 and finished rolling out June 8th 3. In terms of coverage, this was the same update as the Medical Update in August 2018.At the same time (since June 4 till June 6, 2019) Google rolled out another…
Each healthcare facility has billions of individual data points. However, all of those data point are useless until they are properly interpreted. This is where data analytics comes in. According to a Health Catalyst survey, 90 percent of healthcare…
Analytics has always been an interesting concept for businesses and organizations across the globe. Businesses are not only able to draw insights through analytics, but it is also possible for them to make informed decisions that are in their best…
Even though machine learning and artificial intelligence have been some of the most popular and interesting fields in recent times, owing to unmatched potential, these subfields of the world of information technology are now being explored more than…
There are no second opinions about the fact that data is a crucial element of all systems that surround us today. Whether you are trying to run a business and want to offer products or services that are more relevant to your target audience, or are…
Cyber security has been the talk of the town in 2018. With data breaches affecting the users of renowned companies including Google and Facebook to increasing numbers of cyber attacks, it goes without saying that data security has now become more…
As the world progresses towards a ‘smarter’ time, with various smart devices and technologies all around us, the use of the word “data” has increased as well. We hear the word data very often. We hear how important it is to store our data, and how…
You must have heard how knowledge of the past can lead to insights into the future, right? Well, that is exactly what the field of predictive analytics is there for. The term predictive analytics refers to the analysis of historical data, through…
For those who do not already know, predictive analytics trains a computer model to learn from large amounts of data for the purpose of finding complex patterns that might be necessary for actions like inventory optimization and fraud prediction.The…
Organizations no longer need to run through hoops to get relevant data about their market, business, clients, and so on. With the digitization of the business world, obtaining and gather information/data is no longer a challenge.While data collection…
Running a web shop is easy-peasy. Just upload a picture, write some description, and set the price, and people buy your product. At least, that’s how most of the people think about it.A real e-commerce business needs more than just huddling things…
“EA Sports- It is in the game.” They are just a few words, but if gamers hear them, their hearts skip a beat.We bet there is a game in your head that you think this blog post will be about. Yes, we will have a look at the world of FIFA 18.We found a…
A programmer’s salary depends on multiple factors. AnswerMiner can help you find out which factors are important related to salaries. StackOverflow published an exhausting 51,392 respondent, 140 question survey of developers, programmers, their…
Often, people confuse business intelligence for simple business analytics or vice versa. But, what is wrong in that? Are not business intelligence (BI) and business analytics (BA) the same thing? If you think like that, then you have got things all…
Nowadays, a website is a must. When it comes to a big company, a small business, or an entrepreneur, they all need a good website that not only is attractive and makes conversions but also collects data about customers. Currently, the third factor…
A few weeks ago we made a data visualization to OTP, one of the largest independent financial services providers in Central and Eastern Europe. This was one of the best competition that we have taken part so far. We enjoyed every minute of the work…
In this article, we will go step-by-step in this analysis of employee resignation. We suggest you login to your AnswerMiner account and follow the steps to explore the HR dataset. It is a free set that you can find in the data-market within the app…
In the last century it was one of the most popular issues on the radio, on television, and in books. Yes, we are talking about UFOs. They caused panic (think on the radio broadcast “The war of the worlds” in 1938), gathered many believers (The X…
We are living in a world amidst a digital revolution – new, disruptive technologies are being introduced by the passing day to effectively manage enormous amounts of data generated on a daily basis. Industry leaders and enterprises are struggling in…
Predictive analytics is a combination of Business Intelligence (BI) and Big Data, the two dominating concepts in today’s technology realm. Predictive analytics is often the only answer to two fundamental questions: What should a business do when it…
As a MailChimp user, you know that you own lot of valuable information about your customers. However, how can you get the most out of this data to drive your marketing forward?AnswerMiner provides you with a direct connection to your MailChimp…
Nowadays, everybody talks about data science, data-driven companies, and data scientists. If you would like to be data-driven then, you should collect, analyze and visualize data. Here comes the first hang-up: where can you get a dataset that you can…
We are visual creatures, built for visual analysis. Off all our sensory organs, it is through the eyes that the largest amount of data enters the brain. Our visual system is extremely well-developed; the optic nerve sends data to the brain at…
Many times, we have a bunch of data from surveys that we cannot do anything with. To fix this problem, we created a cheat sheet that you can use to create an analyzable survey. We will focus online survey because they are the most popular and the…
Data has always played a key role for organizations, business, and industries. From the paper time sheets and manually managed rosters and schedules of the past to the smart, high-tech and automated management systems, solution and applications of…
Just a few weeks ago (August 06, 2017), we organized a tech meetup in Hungary. The reason why we organized this event was so simple: there had never been such an event in the city, and the topic was so innovative. The main purpose was to ensure a…
Hillary or Trump? Democratic or Republican? Who will win? It is hard to see into the future, but we will try to predict the results of the 2016 US election. We collected a lot of data from open databases and created a dataset. It is available for…
Data visualization is a very important and useful tool during the daily decision-making processes. Why? Because the human brain can process graphs and charts much more easily than spreadsheets or databases. Therefore visual presentations could be…
Data is the new gold. Data is the new oil. In the past years, big data has become very popular, and now in 2016 small data is the “new big data.” In data science, both are very important. However, we can read many different opinions on this topic. In…
Today starts 2016/17 season. Carolina Panthers at Denver Broncos. Can Denver beat Carolina again? We will see at 8:30 PM ET but before the game let’s see some numbers of active NFL teams and players. Read this article to find out more information…
Labor Day is the first Monday of September and the last day of the long weekend known as Labor Day Weekend. The unofficial end of the summer and in the US summer sports, Labor Day Weekend marks the beginning of many fall sports. However, do not…
The Summer Olympics in Rio just ended on August 21, 2016. Despite the negative expectations and the bad experiences in the Olympic Village, we can say it was a good event (almost forget the diving pool, which was closed after turning green). There…
Nowadays, data visualization is the main topic in the field of data science. However, even if you try to make a nice presentation or a report, the message is not always delivered well. It is easy to get lost in many numbers, charts, and labels. In…
Starting a Kickstarter campaign is not as easy as it seems at first glance. You must decide your title, description, goal value, duration, and so on. Fortunately, data science can help you! We have analyzed 140,000 Kickstarter campaigns to be able to…
Data science is not rocket science. Although a data scientist needs to have many skills in different areas, you do not need to be an omniscient unicorn to take advantage of some parts of data science.Definition of Data Science“Data science is an…
Nowadays, there are many pieces of data analysis software on the market. We can group them by many different viewpoints, but in this article, we will focus on the method of operation. If you want to use a data analytics software and are looking for…
Are in a good relationship with data analytics or use it during your everyday work? Is watching films one of your favorite hobbies? If so, check out our list of the best data science-related films. Grab the popcorn and enjoy any of the following…
In this post, we are focusing on data analysis and visualizations, which do not come from the devil, as many leaders of organizations think. We believe that data analysis and visualization can be understandable, discoverable, manageable for the…
Running AB tests is indispensable if you want to make good decisions. However, if you make mistakes, your decision can have worse consequences than simply deciding based on your intuition. Therefore, it is important to do A/B tests the right way…
Correlation and the correlation coefficient seem to be difficult to understand. They sound like some weird mathematical, statistical thing. However, once you understand them, you will think in a totally new way about causality and how things are…
Whenever you have to make a decision, you will want to compare cases and choose the better one. You may do so by tossing a coin, intuition, common sense, or other unreliable ways but it is better to use your data.Ten Reasons Why A/B Split Testing Is…